To download the documentation of the MUX settlements and the Auxiliary Register, through Web Services, you will need to use the Download Settlements modality. To send the XML request you will have to use the PCI generic messaging .

Within the XML request, in the specific data part of the request, the specific messaging of the MUX_DOWNLOAD modality must be incorporated

Only the documentation associated with settlements generated by the applications can be retrieved:

  • e-TRAM
  • e-NOTUM
  • EACAT/Transmissions
  • SIR

for the rest of the applications, it is NOT possible to retrieve the documentation from the records using this modality. A clear example of settlements that do NOT have the MUX_DOWNLOAD mode available for downloading the documentation associated with them, are those generated by the e - FACT application (Electronic Invoices); for these settlements, the download will be via direct integration in the e.FACT Hub.

Additionally, as good practices in relation to the download of documentation associated with settlements, comment on the following:

  • There may be entries that you have inventoried in your Registry, but, for example, by not responding within the maximum expected time of 15 seconds, we end up generating the entry in the EACAT Auxiliary Registry. Well, the MUX_CONSULT mode serves you to review the settlements that have ended up in the EACAT Auxiliary Register and thus avoid you making unnecessary use of the MUX_DOWNLOAD mode to retrieve the documents associated with the settlements with your numbering, which in reality, do not we have inventoried them, since they were finally registered in the EACAT Auxiliary Register, with its typical numbering (E/XXXXXX-2021 or S/XXXXXX-2021).